Piscataqua Savings Bank
Piscataqua Savings Bank is a mutual savings bank dedicated to providing financial services and support to members of the Portsmouth community. We are focused on helping individuals and families reach their goals while seeking every opportunity to provide outstanding service. We’re proud of our highly competent staff and shall always strive to create an interesting and rewarding work environment for the staff on which we are reliant for our success. To solidify the Banks commitment to customers, community and employees the Bank became a certified B Corporation. As an independent, community institution we are dedicated to our customers and the services we provide to them and are always looking for ways to make Portsmouth a better place. Since 1877, we have remained committed to our core values to provide quality service and competitive products in a manner consistent with sound and prudent banking practices.
Additional Info
Charter Type : State - NH
Asset Size : $362,602,047
Ownership Type : Mutual